LP 234C Afuche' Cabasa Legno Deluxe
LP 234C Afuche' Cabasa Legno Deluxe

LP 234C Afuche' Cabasa Legno Deluxe

S O L D !
67,00 €
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LP 234C Afuche' Cabasa Legno Deluxe


LP® AFUCHE/CABASA DELUXE LP234C Developed and introduced by LP over 40 years ago, the Afuche®/Cabasa has become one of the most essential percussion instruments in history. Loops of steel bead are wrapped around a textured cylinder to produce a variety of scraping rhythmic patterns. Available in multiple sizes, the larger versions produce greater volume. FEATURES  5-1/4" diameter Afuche/Casaba with wooden frame and handle Beads can be rotated around the textured steel or the instrument can be spun or shaken for varying sounds Patented

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