LPA 190 Tamburello Solo Sonagli Acciaio
LPA 190 Tamburello Solo Sonagli Acciaio

LPA 190 Tamburello Solo Sonagli Acciaio

S O L D !
19,00 €
Tasse incluse

LPA 190 Tamburello Solo Sonagli Acciaio


LP® ASPIRE® 10" TAMBOURINE BLACK LPA190 LP Aspire Tambourines are fun and easy to play. The frames have an easy-to-hold grip and smooth edges for comfortable playing. The jingles are brightly toned and produce classic sound. Available in multiple colors and two sizes. FEATURES  10" Black Plastic Frame with 7 sets of steel jingles Comfortable, formed grip and smoothed edges for easy play that's gentle on the hands

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