Inaki Sebastian V4 Medium - Hard Vibrafono
Inaki Sebastian V4 Medium - Hard Vibrafono

Inaki Sebastian V4 Medium - Hard Vibrafono

S O L D !
48,36 €

Inaki Sebastian V4 Medium - Hard quaterna battenti vibrafono


V4 MEDIUM - HARD  Model with medium hard thermoplastic head, brighter sound and very clear and precise attack. It has also an exceptional response in all range of vibraphone and it is very popular around the world. It is also a good model for a beginner to use on the marimba(scales, studies of the first years), it sounds harder thanV3, but still works very well in the whole range of the marimba. Rattan shaft / Length: 37 cmDiameter: +/- 8.5-9 mmWooden shaft: 37 cm, same priceInterior head: medium - hard thermoplasticWool tension: very highWeight: +/- 36-37 gr

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