Elixir 19002 Optiweb 009-042 Muta Corde Chitarra Elettrica Coating
Elixir 19002 Optiweb 009-042 Muta Corde Chitarra Elettrica Coating

Elixir 19002 Optiweb 009-042 Muta Corde Chitarra Elettrica Coating

15,00 €
Tasse incluse


Elixir® Electric Nickel Plated Steel Strings with OPTIWEB™ Coating give you the performance of a natural string — that crisp tone, natural feel and playable grip you know and love—without sacrificing the signature long-lasting tone life of Elixir Strings. Played for the same crisp tone as an uncoated string OPTIWEB Coating provides a natural feel Electric guitar strings constructed with nickel-plated steel wrap wire Our coating technology protects against common corrosion and debris buildup, extending tone life longer than any other brand’s coated or uncoated strings* Anti-Rust Plating on plain steel strings ensures longer tone life for the entire set With less hassle and expense of frequent string changes, spend more time making music

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