DR HI-DEF Neon Orange Muta Chitarra Elettrica 009-042
DR HI-DEF Neon Orange Muta Chitarra Elettrica 009-042

DR HI-DEF Neon Orange Muta Chitarra Elettrica 009-042

17,00 €
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DR HI-DEF Neon Orange Muta Chitarra Elettrica 009-042


DR NEONs™ are super bright color coated strings that sound clear, bright and musical.  Players love the bright NEON™ colors and their remarkable sound.  Super bright in daylight and under stage lighting, DR NEON™ is 100% black light reactive and glow strongly under UV lighting.  NEONs are the first coated string to make no apologies.  While Neons last as long as a coated string should (three to four times as long as uncoated strings) they sound as good, or better, than uncoated strings. 009 011 016 024 032 042

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