Tusq PQM644-00 Nut Martin Style
Tusq PQM644-00 Nut Martin Style

Tusq PQM644-00 Nut Martin Style

11,00 €
Tasse incluse

Tusq PQM644-00 Nut Tipo Martin


TUSQ delivers a rich tone, crystal clear bell like high end with big open lows and a significant increase in harmonic content and harmonic sustain.  Increase harmonics equals more richness and character in your tone.  Its the difference between a four piece choir and a twelve piece choir singing every time your play a note.   Consistent quality   Increased harmonic content   Ivory white in color   Precision slotted  Measure  Length Width  Height  E to E   inches 1.745"  0.224"  0.361" 1.418"  inches 1 3/4" 7/32" 3/8" 1 13/32" millimeters 44.32mm 5.69mm 9.17mm  36.02mm Note: All Graph Tech nuts and saddles are slightly long and wide to ensure extra room to achieve a perfect fit for your guitar. This extra material can easily be removed with fine grit sandpaper.

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