Beyerdynamic TG 100H Palmare 213-223 MHZ Band 3
Beyerdynamic TG 100H Palmare 213-223 MHZ Band 3

Beyerdynamic TG 100H Palmare 213-223 MHZ Band 3

S O L D !
189,00 €
Tasse incluse

Beyerdynamic TG 100H Palmare 213-223 MHZ Band 3


TG 100 HANDHELD SET Wireless system for beginners Professional diversity receiver 10 h Battery Operation Pilot Tone Function Integrated Sound Switch Frequency ranges: Band 1: 174-184 MHz, Band 2: 194-204 MHz, Band 3: 213-223 MHz THE HANDHELD SET INCLUDES: TG 100R Diversity Receiver TG 100H Handheld Transmitter Power supply & Batteries

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