Soundsation WF-V11PA VHF Head Set Radiomicrofono
Soundsation WF-V11PA VHF Head Set Radiomicrofono
Soundsation WF-V11PA VHF Head Set Radiomicrofono
Soundsation WF-V11PA VHF Head Set Radiomicrofono

Soundsation WF-V11PA VHF Head Set Radiomicrofono

S O L D !
48,00 €
Tasse incluse

Soundsation WF-V11PA VHF Head Set Radiomicrofono


VHF Transmission with SMD Technology 4 available Frequencies in VHF Band Simple user Interface for plug and play setup 30m ideal distance (without obstacles) Strong yet lightweight bodypack transmitter Professional and Lightweight Headset with high-sensibility dynamic cardioid capsule

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